Student workshop „Socialist Architecture of the GDR, the Stadthalle Cottbus“ from 3-5 April 2023 at the BTU in cottbus

Dear Sir or Madam,

The Emerging Professional Group of ICOMOS Germany is organizing a three-day student workshop entitled „Socialist Architecture of the GDR, the Stadthalle Cottbus„. It will take place from 3–5 April 2023 at the BTU in Cottbus with the support of the Chair in Architectural Conservation of the BTU-Cottbus and Prof. Dr. Johanna Blokker. In the workshop, students will work in small groups to explore past and future developments of the architectural socialist heritage. Inputs from the disciplines of Architectural Ethnography and Cultural History, among others, will guide them.
Applications to participate will be considered until the 1 March. Please see the attachment for more information and application criteria. The application link is the following:


We ask you to forward the attached „Call for Participants“ to interested students and would be pleased to receive applications from interested students of your faculty.

Thank you very much!

With kind regards,


Deutsches Nationalkomitee von ICOMOS e. V.
Brüderstraße 13
10178 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30/80493-100



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