

SAHC 2025 – save the date

The 14th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2025) will be celebrated between 15 and 17 of September 2025 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since, its first edition in 1995 at Barcelona, the SAHC conference is established as the top event that brings together researchers and practitioners working to all fields related with the structural analysis […]...


Lettre aux membres 1/2024

Via le lien suivant, la lettre aux membres 1 / 2024 est disponible: Icomos_Lettre aux Membres 1 2024_FR_20240124 def korr...


SAHC 2025 – save the date

SAHC 2025_flyer...


Devenir et rester actif

Al momento stiamo preparando le versioni francese e italiana.
Vi ringraziamo per la comprensione e la pazienza. chiudere »