

Programma Radian Monuments

Pubblicato il programma della conferenza internazionale Registrazione (scadenza 13 gennaio 2025)...


Auszeichnung historisches Hotel / Restaurant der Schweiz 2025

ICOMOS e i suoi partner assegnano il titolo “Albergo/Ristorante storico dell’anno 2025”: L’albergo ristorante Kreuz a Herzogenbuchsee (BE), le cui origini risalgono al lontano 1787, è stato insignito del riconoscimento «Albergo storico dell’anno 2025» per la sua originalità. Il premio «Ristorante storico dell’anno 2025» è andato invece al ristorante Baratella di San Gallo (SG). Le due […]...


Call for Papers – Un futuro per il passato di chi?

Il patrimonio di minoranze, gruppi marginali e persone senza lobbyConferenza internazionale e interdisciplinare sul Monte Verità, Ascona, Svizzera22 al 24 ottobre 2025 Gli interessati sono invitati a presentare un abstract esteso (massimo una pagina/500 parole) con unbreve CV entro il 15 dicembre 2024. a future for whose past_2025_call for papers_it...


Call for papers – Special Issue on Water Management in World Heritage Sites at a Time of Climate Change

Call for Papers for the submission of articles on water management in World Heritage sites in times of climate change. The articles will be published in a special issue of the peer-reviewed open access journal Blue Papers (, which focuses on water, culture, heritage and sustainable development. Further information about the call for papers: as […]...


Lettre aux membres 3/2024

Via le lien suivant, la lettre aux membres 3 / 2024 est disponible: Icomos_Lettre aux Membres 3 2024_FR_20240920 final...


Modern Housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

14–15 Oct 2024 International Conference in Halle (Saale): on the occasion of “60 years of Halle-Neustadt” and the founding of the “Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation”. Read more on Facebook...


TheoPhilos ISC – Forthcoming Conferences 2024/25

TheoPhilos will be holding a conference ‘Authenticity from a European Perspective: 30 Years of the Nara Document on Authenticity’, in Thessaloniki, Greece, from November 28-29, 2024. Contributions from ISC’s are very welcome. Please therefore consider submitting a paper proposal; details are on the TheoPhilos website, and the call for papers is also to find here – 20240507a […]...


Call for Papers

Monuments rayonnants:Les centrales nucléaires entre valeur culturelle et sites contaminés.Conférence internationale à l’Université de Berne, 23-24.01.2025 Call for Papers – Délai de soumission : 08.09.2024cfp_Tagung_Strahlende Denkmäler D+F+I...


SAHC 2025 – save the date

The 14th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2025) will be celebrated between 15 and 17 of September 2025 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since, its first edition in 1995 at Barcelona, the SAHC conference is established as the top event that brings together researchers and practitioners working to all fields related with the structural analysis […]...


Lettre aux membres 1/2024

Via le lien suivant, la lettre aux membres 1 / 2024 est disponible: Icomos_Lettre aux Membres 1 2024_FR_20240124 def korr...



Dans le cadre d’une rétrospective, Jürg Ganz affirma en 2006 : « Peut-être devient-on avant tout conservateur lorsque l’on n’arrive pas à se décider pour une carrière et que l’on se consacre avant tout à sa vocation et que l’on se laisse saisir par l’histoire et ses témoins, afin de leur offrir un avenir…» ICOMOS […]...


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Al momento stiamo preparando le versioni francese e italiana.
Vi ringraziamo per la comprensione e la pazienza. chiudere »