In memoriam Roland Silva (1933-2020)

Le professeur Roland Silva (1933-2020), architecte et archéologue, président d’ICOMOS de 1990 à 1999, lauréat du prix Piero Gazzola 1999, est décédé le 1er janvier 2020. Il fut le premier président d’ICOMOS à ne pas être issu d’un pays européen. Sous sa houlette a été publié le document de Nara sur l’authenticité (1994)  Il incarne aux yeux d’ICOMOS Suisse une importance toute particulière, puisqu’il a été élu comme président dans le cadre de l’Assemblée générale tenue à Lausanne en 1990. ICOMOS Suisse a diffusé une lettre de condoléances adressée au Sri Lanka et à sa famille.

In the name of ICOMOS Suisse, Niklaus Ledergerber, president and myself, Monica Bilfinger, Secretary general, would like to express our sincere condolescences to ICOMOS Sri Lanka and the family of Roland Silva.

To the members of ICOMOS Suisse Roland Silva has always been special since he was the first and only international president ever elected in Switzerland. It was 1990 at the General Assembly, when ICOMOS was in crisis, that Roland Silva was named president. He was the first president coming from Asia and as such opening ICOMOS to the big international world – but for ICOMOS Suisse, he always remained a little bit “our own” president. His first speech that he held for the ICOMOS community – he held it in the Palais de Rumine in Lausanne.

When Roland Silva and ICOMOS Sri Lanka invited for the General Assembly to Colombo, there was quite a big delegation from ICOMOS Suisse attending this General Assembly. Speaking for myself, it was one of the most beautiful General Assemblies ever. Unforgettable: being received and greeted at the airport in Colombo by Roland Silva personally who put a wreath of flowers around our neck, unforgettable attending the Perahera, unforgettable the visits to the great archeological sites under the guidance of Roland Silva. In the years of his presidency, ICOMOS became truly international.

After his stepping down in Mexico, we saw less of Roland Silva. Yes he was there at the General Assemblies, but as a guest. Then he attended the 50th anniversary in Warshaw. This was my personal highlight and my last meeting with Roland Silva. He had just finished the publication of his ICOMOS texts and memories. He was in the same hotel as myself and we spent the most memorable evening together where we exchanged all the memories of Lausanne 1990. How he recalled that the events had been, as he had never intended to become president of ICOMOS. And how I, as a very young secretary at the time, had perceived his election. I could tell him, that his election also had had an impact on ICOMOS Suisse. In fact, it had initiated not only on an international, but also on a national level, a small revolution. As a consecution to the election of Roland Silva, ICOMOS Suisse had then started a turnover and became the organization that it is today. And today we can say: thanks to Roland Silva, these events happened!

We will keep fondest memories of Roland Silva, as a great archeologist, as a wise president of ICOMOS and as a wonderfully warm and kind personality.

For ICOMOS Suisse: Monica Bilfinger, Secretary General ICOMOS Suisse.

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