Call for Papers: „Capability Brown: perception and response in a global context“, ICOMOS-UK/University of Bath, Sept 2016
An ICOMOS-UK International Conference in collaboration with the University of Bath, in association with the Garden History Society and the National Trust, and supported by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes
9–11 September 2016, University of Bath, England
Download the full call for papers at:
Deadline for abstracts: 31 August 2014
Contact: admin at
The landscape designer Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown (1716-1783) changed the face of 18th-century England. Yet Brown left no written explanation of his work. Much must be inferred from his surviving landscapes and by seeing his work in the wider context of the naturalistic style that developed in Europe and in countries influenced by Europe. In 2016 the tercentenary of his birth is being celebrated as an opportunity to reflect on his life, work, style and significance.
This international conference, organised by the ICOMOS-UK Cultural Landscapes and Historic Gardens Committee in collaboration with the University of Bath, will be one of the major events in the Capability Brown Tercentenary year. Internationally renowned researchers and practitioners will present Brown’s work in a global context and explore the ways in which it has been interpreted over the last 250 years.
With partners including the Garden History Society and the National Trust, this conference will be one of the highlights of the first-ever Capability Brown Birthday and Festival, bringing together in a national campaign a huge range of events, openings, exhibitions and publications.